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What is Special Leave to Appeal (SLP) Under Article 136?

What is Special Leave to Appeal (SLP) Under Article 136? Special Leave to Appeal (SLP) is a unique power of the Supreme Court of India under Articl…

The Four Judges Cases: Controversy Over Consultation in Judicial Appointments

1. What’s the Issue? The Constitution of India says that the President appoints Supreme Court and High Court judges after "consulting" …

Bar Council of India (BCI) - UPSC Polity Notes

Bar Council of India (BCI) and Rules for Foreign Lawyers & Law Firms 1. Introduction to Bar Council of India (BCI) Statutory Body: Establishe…

Procedure Established by Law vs. Due Process of Law - UPSC Polity notes

Procedure Established by Law vs. Due Process of Law Introduction The concepts of Procedure Established by Law and Due Process of Law are crucia…

What is Contempt of Court: Meaning & Differences B/w Civil and Criminal Contempt

Contempt of Court: Meaning & Differences Between Civil and Criminal Contempt What is Contempt of Court? Contempt of court refers to any act tha…

What is an IMF Quota? UPSC Economy Notes

What is an IMF Quota? Think of an IMF Quota as a membership fee that every country pays when they join the IMF. This fee is based on the country’…

International Monetary Fund (IMF) - UPSC Economy Notes

International Monetary Fund (IMF) What is the IMF? The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is a global financial institution that helps maintain eco…

How to Choose the Best and Most Scoring Optional Subject for UPSC 2025-26

How to Choose the Best and Most Scoring Optional Subject for UPSC? Choosing the right optional subject is a crucial decision in UPSC preparation. A…

e-NAM (Electronic National Agricultural Market)

e-NAM (Electronic National Agricultural Market) e-NAM (Electronic National Agricultural Market) is a pan-India online trading platform launched in…

Contract Farming - Economy UPSC notes

Contract Farming – Meaning & Example Contract farming is an agreement between a farmer and a buyer (company, exporter, or processor) where t…
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