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e-NAM (Electronic National Agricultural Market)

e-NAM is a pan-India online trading platform launched in 2016 to integrate state-level APMC mandis into a unified national market for agriculture.

e-NAM (Electronic National Agricultural Market)

e-NAM (Electronic National Agricultural Market) is a pan-India online trading platform launched in 2016 to integrate state-level APMC mandis into a unified national market for agricultural commodities.

Objectives of e-NAM:

Eliminate middlemen and ensure better price realization for farmers.
Improve transparency in price discovery through an online auction system.
Provide real-time market information on prices and demand.
Reduce market fragmentation by allowing farmers to sell beyond their local mandi.

How e-NAM Works?

  1. Farmers register on the e-NAM portal through APMCs.
  2. They bring their produce to APMC mandis, where it is graded and weighed.
  3. Buyers from across India bid online for the produce.
  4. Farmers receive payments directly in their bank accounts.

Benefits of e-NAM:

Increased competition leads to better prices.
Reduced role of middlemen, ensuring higher farmer profits.
More market choices beyond the local mandi.


Poor digital infrastructure in many mandis.
Low farmer awareness & digital literacy.
Resistance from traditional traders & commission agents.

Way Forward:

🔹 Strengthening internet access and digital education for farmers.
🔹 Expanding warehouse-based sales so farmers can sell without traveling.
🔹 Encouraging private players and FPOs (Farmer Producer Organizations) to participate.

e-NAM is a significant step toward agricultural market reform but requires better implementation and wider adoption to benefit all farmers.

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