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Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951 UPSC notes


Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951

The Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951, is a crucial legislation that regulates industrial development and promotes balanced industrial growth in India. Below are detailed and simplified notes for UPSC Prelims preparation:


  1. Enactment: Passed in 1951.
  2. Purpose: To regulate and develop industries in the national interest under Entry 52 of the Union List in the Constitution of India.
  3. Scope: Covers industries listed in the First Schedule of the Act.

Objectives of the Act

  1. Control over Industrial Activities: To ensure industries grow systematically.
  2. Balanced Regional Development: Avoid concentration of industries in a few regions.
  3. Consumer Protection: Prevent exploitation of consumers by regulating prices and supply.
  4. National Priorities: Encourage industries important for national security, economic self-reliance, and employment generation.
  5. Foreign Exchange Conservation: Reduce dependency on imports.

Key Provisions

  1. Licensing:

    • Industries listed in the First Schedule need a license from the Central Government.
    • Objective: Control entry into industries and prevent misuse of resources.
    • Exceptions: Small-scale industries (SSI) were initially exempted.
  2. Registration of Industries:

    • Mandatory for large-scale industries.
    • Helps in monitoring and gathering industrial data.
  3. Regulation of Production:

    • Government can fix production targets and regulate supply to prevent shortages or surpluses.
  4. Reservation of Industries:

    • Certain industries reserved exclusively for public sector undertakings (PSUs).
    • Example: Defense, atomic energy, and railway equipment (some de-reserved post-liberalization in 1991).
  5. Control over Pricing:

    • To prevent hoarding and black marketing, prices of essential goods are regulated.
  6. Industrial Advisory Bodies:

    • Formation of bodies like Development Councils to provide recommendations on industrial policy and development strategies.
  7. Penalties for Non-Compliance:

    • Non-compliance with licensing, production norms, or pricing can attract fines and penalties.


  1. Planned Economic Development: Aligned industrial growth with the goals of Five-Year Plans.
  2. Boost to Industrialization: Encouraged heavy industries and infrastructural growth post-independence.
  3. Public Sector Growth: Strengthened PSUs in strategic and capital-intensive industries.
  4. Consumer Welfare: Ensured availability of essential goods at reasonable prices.

Amendments and Changes

  1. Industrial Policy of 1991:

    • Introduced liberalization, privatization, and globalization (LPG reforms).
    • Licensing requirements reduced for most industries, except for a few like defense and hazardous chemicals.
    • Reservation of industries for the public sector significantly reduced.
  2. Amendments in the Act:

    • Provisions simplified to promote ease of doing business.
    • Increased focus on private sector participation.

Industries Covered Under the Act (First Schedule)

  1. Metallurgical Industries (Iron and Steel, Non-Ferrous Metals).
  2. Fuels (Coal, Petroleum, and Natural Gas).
  3. Chemicals (Fertilizers, Pesticides, Pharmaceuticals).
  4. Machinery and Equipment (Heavy Machinery, Defense Equipment).
  5. Textiles, Food Processing, Paper, and Printing.

Government Bodies Involved

  1. Ministry of Commerce and Industry: Implements the Act.
  2. Directorate General of Technical Development (DGTD): Oversees the development and technical aspects of industries.
  3. Development Councils: Advise on strategies for industrial growth.

Criticism of the Act

  1. License Raj: The Act created a system of excessive bureaucracy and delays, often termed as License-Permit Raj.
  2. Lack of Flexibility: Restricted private sector participation in key industries.
  3. Over-Regulation: Stifled innovation and competition in certain sectors.
  4. Red Tape: Increased corruption and inefficiency in the industrial licensing process.

Relevance in the Present Context

  1. Ease of Doing Business: Licensing requirements have been eased, but the Act’s principles remain relevant to ensure fair practices.
  2. Make in India: Encourages domestic manufacturing, in line with the objectives of the Act.
  3. Atmanirbhar Bharat: Supports self-reliance in critical industries like defense, energy, and pharmaceuticals.
  4. Balanced Development: The Act’s focus on regional development is still relevant to bridge the rural-urban divide.

Key Facts for Prelims

  1. Year of Enactment: 1951.
  2. Constitutional Basis: Entry 52, Union List.
  3. Industrial Licensing Abolished: Post-1991 reforms, except for strategic and hazardous industries.
  4. First Schedule: Lists industries regulated under the Act.

These notes provide a detailed yet concise understanding of the Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951, catering specifically to the UPSC Prelims.

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