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Directives Outside Part IV of the Constitution

In addition to the Directive Principles mentioned in Part IV of the Indian Constitution, there are a few other directives present in different parts o

Directives Outside Part IV of the Constitution

In addition to the Directive Principles mentioned in Part IV of the Indian Constitution, there are a few other directives present in different parts of the Constitution. These directives are also non-justiciable, meaning they are not enforceable in courts, but are considered important for guiding governance and policies. Here are some of them:

1. Claims of SCs and STs to Services (Article 335)

This means that when the government hires people for jobs, it should think about giving fair opportunities to people from Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs). These groups often face social and economic disadvantages. However, this should not lower the quality of the work or affect how efficiently things are done.

Example: If a government office is hiring, they can reserve some jobs for SCs/STs to ensure they get fair chances, but the office should still make sure the employees can perform well.

2. Instruction in Mother Tongue/ Teaching in Mother Tongue (Article 350-A)

The government should help children from linguistic minority groups (those whose first language is not the majority language of the area) by providing education in their own mother tongue, especially in primary schools.

Why? When kids learn in their mother tongue at a young age, it helps them understand better and feel connected to their culture.

Example: A Tamil-speaking child living in a Hindi-speaking area should have the option to learn in Tamil at the primary level if they want to.

3. Development of Hindi Language/ Promoting Hindi (Article 351)

The government is supposed to encourage the use of Hindi across India. The idea is to make Hindi a common language for everyone while respecting the country’s diversity.

Why? Hindi was chosen as the official language to promote unity in a diverse country. It’s not about forcing everyone to speak Hindi, but making it easier for people to communicate across states.

Example: The government might promote Hindi by publishing documents, providing Hindi translations, or encouraging people to learn it alongside their local language.

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