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Factors Affecting the Process of Weathering - UPSC Mains Answer

Factors Affecting the Process of Weathering Weathering is the process that breaks down rocks into smaller pieces through physical, chemical, and bio…

Case Study: The Wayanad Landslide of 2024

Case Study: The Wayanad Landslide of 2024 The Wayanad Landslide of 2024 was a catastrophic natural disaster that struck the hilly district of Wayana…

National Emergency in India - Polity UPSC notes

National Emergency in India Grounds of Declaration Under Article 352 of the Indian Constitution, the President can declare a National Emergency when …

The 1975 Emergency: How Indira Gandhi Misused Power

The National Emergency in India (1975-1977) Introduction The National Emergency in India, declared by then-Prime Minister Indira Gandhi on June 25, …

Non-Cooperation and Khilafat Movements - Indian Modern History UPSC notes

Non-Cooperation and Khilafat Movements The Non-Cooperation Movement (1920–1922) and the Khilafat Movement (1919–1924) were two major campaigns l…

FRBM Act (Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act) 2003-04

FRBM Act (Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act) 2003-04: The FRBM Act , enacted in 2003 and effective from 2004, aimed to promote finan…

Joint Family Essay in English

Joint Family: A Pillar of Indian Society Introduction The concept of family has been a cornerstone of human societies across the world, but in India,…

What is Tobin Tax - Indian Economy UPSC notes

The Tobin Tax is a small tax proposed by economist James Tobin, applied to international financial transactions, particularly currency exchanges. I…

Evidence in Support of the Continental Drift Theory (250 Words) - UPSC Mains 2013 GS-1

Evidence in Support of the Continental Drift Theory (250 Words) - UPSC Mains 2013 GS-1 Answer Type-1 The Continental Drift Theory , proposed by Alfre…

Continental Drift Theory: A Comprehensive Analysis for UPSC Mains

Continental Drift Theory: A Comprehensive Analysis for UPSC Mains Introduction The Continental Drift Theory is a foundational concept in geology, …
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