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Factors Affecting the Process of Weathering - UPSC Mains Answer

Weathering is the process that breaks down rocks into smaller pieces through physical, chemical, and biological means.

Factors Affecting the Process of Weathering

Weathering is the process that breaks down rocks into smaller pieces through physical, chemical, and biological means. This happens naturally over time and is influenced by several important factors. Let's understand these factors in detail and in simple language:

  1. Geological Factors:

    • Type of Minerals in the Rock: Some minerals are strong and don't break easily, like quartz. Others, like feldspar, break down faster. So, rocks made of weak minerals weather quickly.
    • Structure of the Rock: Rocks with cracks, holes, or spaces inside them break down faster because air, water, and plant roots can enter easily.
    • Size of the Rock Grains: Rocks with small grains (fine-grained) break down faster due to chemical reactions. Big-grained rocks break apart more through physical forces like freezing and thawing.
  2. Topographical Factors:

    • Slope of the Land: On steep slopes, broken rock pieces are carried away quickly by gravity, rain, or wind, which limits chemical weathering. On flat or gentle slopes, water stays longer, causing more chemical weathering.
    • Height Above Sea Level (Altitude): Higher areas are colder, and water freezes and melts often. This freeze-thaw cycle causes rocks to crack and break apart.
    • Water Drainage: In places where water drains slowly, moisture stays longer, which increases chemical weathering. Good drainage areas dry quickly, reducing chemical weathering.
  3. Climatic Factors:

    • Temperature: If the temperature changes a lot between day and night, rocks expand and contract repeatedly. This causes stress in the rocks, making them crack and break.
    • Rainfall: More rain means more water available to react with rocks, which speeds up chemical weathering.
    • Humidity: In humid areas (where the air has more moisture), both chemical reactions and the growth of plants and microorganisms that help break rocks are more active.

    Current Affairs Context:

    • The 2023 Global Climate Report highlighted that extreme weather events like heatwaves, heavy rainfall, and droughts are increasing due to climate change. These conditions accelerate weathering processes in vulnerable regions.
    • The recent landslides in Himachal Pradesh (2023) were partly due to rapid weathering of rocks triggered by intense rainfall and human activities like deforestation and road construction.
    • Recent landslides in Kerala, Waynad (2024)-Click to read full Case study
  4. Biological Factors (Living Organisms):

    • Plants: Plant roots grow into small cracks in rocks. As the roots grow bigger, they push the cracks wider, breaking the rocks apart.
    • Microorganisms: Tiny organisms like lichens and algae release acids that slowly dissolve rocks.
    • Human Activities: Human actions like digging, mining, cutting forests, and building roads speed up weathering because they expose rocks to air, water, and chemicals.

    Current Affairs Context:

    • In Amazon Rainforest deforestation reports (2023), rapid clearing of trees has increased soil erosion and weathering, altering the natural landscape and affecting biodiversity.
  5. Time Factor:

    • Length of Time: The longer rocks are exposed to weathering agents like air, water, and living things, the more they break down.
    • Slow Changes Over Long Periods: Even if weathering happens slowly, over thousands or millions of years, it can completely change landscapes, turning big rocks into soil.

    Current Affairs Context:

    • Studies from NASA's Earth Observatory (2024) show that glaciers in polar regions are retreating rapidly. This exposes fresh rock surfaces to weathering processes that would have taken millennia under natural conditions.


Weathering is a natural process that changes the Earth's surface. It happens because of the type of rocks, the shape of the land, the climate, the activities of living things, and the passage of time. Understanding weathering helps us know how soil forms, how landscapes change, and how to manage the environment better.

In today's world, climate change, human activities, and environmental degradation are accelerating weathering processes globally. This highlights the urgent need for sustainable practices and climate resilience planning.

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