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What are Luxury Goods - Economics UPSC notes

Luxury Goods is a key concept in economics and is relevant for the UPSC syllabus under topics related to market structures, income inequality, and…

What are Giffen Goods - Economics UPSC notes

Giffen goods are an important concept in economics, often discussed in the context of demand theory, and are relevant for the UPSC syllabus, particu…

Law of Demand - Economy UPSC notes

The Law of Demand is a fundamental principle in economics that states: As the price of a good or service increases, the quantity demanded decreas…

Factors affecting Demand - UPSC notes

Factors affecting demand  The demand for goods and services in an economy is influenced by several key factors. Here's an overview of each factor…

Engel's Law: UPSC Notes

Engel's Law: UPSC Notes Introduction Engel's Law is an economic principle proposed by the German statistician Ernst Engel in 1857. It state…

Constitutional Discretion of Governor - Indian Polity Notes - TargetIASKannada

Constitutional Discretion of Governor Constitutional discretion refers to specific powers granted to the Governor by the Constitution of India , whi…

What is Criminal proceeding & Civil proceeding, Difference b/w them

Criminal Proceedings Criminal proceedings involve legal actions initiated by the state against an individual or entity accused of committing a crime…

Working of GST in India UPSC - Target IAS Kannada

Working of GST in India The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a destination-based, multi-stage, comprehensive tax system that integrates multiple i…

Goods and Services Tax (GST) for UPSC - Target IAS Kannada

GST 2017: A Game Changer in India's Tax System Introduction: The Goods and Services Tax (GST), implemented on July 1, 2017 , marked a paradigm s…

Discuss the pre-GST indirect tax system in India

Question: Discuss the pre-GST indirect tax system in India. (400 words) Introduction: Before the introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) i…
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