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Financial Emergency (Article 360) - Emergency provisions Polity UPSC notes

Financial Emergency (Article 360) Grounds for Declaration The President can declare a Financial Emergency if he believes that the financial s…

President’s Rule - Emergency provisions Polity UPSC notes

What is President’s Rule? President’s Rule refers to a situation where the Central Government takes over the administration of a state because the…

State Human Rights Commission (SHRC) - Polity UPSC Notes

State Human Rights Commission (SHRC) - Simplified Explanation 🏛️ 1. Establishment of the SHRC The Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 provid…

National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) - Polity UPSC Notes

1. Establishment of the NHRC What is NHRC? The NHRC is a statutory body . This means it was created by a law passed by the Parliament, not direc…

NITI Aayog - Polity M.Lakshmikant Summary - UPSC notes

NITI Aayog - Polity M.Lakshmikant Summary 1. Establishment of NITI Aayog When was it formed? On January 1, 2015 , the NITI Aayog (National Ins…
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