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Types of Majorities in the Indian Parliament UPSC | Indian Polity

Types of Majorities: 1. Simple Majority:- More than 50% of the members present and voting. 2. Absolute Majority-More than 50% of the total membership

Types of Majorities in the Indian Parliament

 In parliamentary procedures, different types of majorities are required for decision-making depending on the nature of the issue. Below are the types of majorities used in the Indian parliamentary system:

Type Definition Where Used House(s) Involved
Simple Majority More than 50% of members present and voting Ordinary Bills, Motions Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha (depends on case)
Absolute Majority More than 50% of the total strength of the house Forming Government Lok Sabha
Effective Majority More than 50% of the effective strength of the house (excluding vacancies) Removal of Vice-President Both Houses
Special Majority Two-thirds of present and voting + more than 50% of total strength Constitutional Amendments, Key Motions Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha
Majority of Total Membership More than 50% of the total membership Impeachment of President Both Houses

1. Simple Majority (Also called Functional Majority)

  • Definition: More than 50% of the members present and voting.
  • Calculation: Only the members who actually vote (excluding absentees and abstentions) are counted.
  • Usage:
    • Passing ordinary bills.
    • Approval of the budget and money bills.
    • Confidence and no-confidence motions.
    • Election of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker.
  • Example: If 400 members are present and 360 vote, at least 181 votes (50% + 1) are required for a simple majority.

2. Absolute Majority

  • Definition: More than 50% of the total membership of the House.
  • Calculation: Total membership includes all seats in the House, whether vacant or occupied.
  • Usage:
    • Rarely used but may be a prerequisite for certain actions or declarations.
  • Example: In the Lok Sabha with 545 seats, at least 273 votes are required for an absolute majority.

3. Effective Majority

  • Definition: More than 50% of the effective strength of the House (total membership minus vacant seats).
  • Calculation: Takes into account only filled seats, excluding vacancies.
  • Usage:
    • Removal of the Vice-President of India.
    • Removal of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker.
  • Example: If there are 545 total Lok Sabha seats but 5 are vacant, the effective strength is 540, so 271 votes (50% + 1) are required.

4. Special Majority (Varies by context)

(i) Special Majority under Article 368:

  • Definition: Two-thirds of the members present and voting, plus a majority of the total membership of the House.
  • Usage:
    • Amendment of the Constitution.
  • Example: In a House with 545 total members and 450 present, at least 300 (two-thirds of 450) must vote in favor, provided it also exceeds 273 (absolute majority).

(ii) Special Majority with Ratification by States:

  • Definition: Two-thirds of members present and voting in both Houses, along with approval by 50% of state legislatures.
  • Usage:
    • Constitutional amendments that affect federal structure.
  • Example: GST introduction required this majority.

(iii) Special Majority (Two-thirds Present and Voting):

  • Definition: Two-thirds of members present and voting.
  • Usage:
    • Impeachment of the President.
    • Approval of a resolution for the removal of Supreme Court/High Court judges.
  • Example: If 400 members are present, at least 267 votes are required.

5. Effective Special Majority

  • Definition: Two-thirds of members present and voting, excluding vacant seats.
  • Usage:
    • Removal of Vice-President.
  • Example: Similar to special majority but calculated based on effective strength.

6. Simple Majority of State Legislatures

  • Definition: Approval by a simple majority in at least 50% of the state legislatures.
  • Usage:
    • Constitutional amendments requiring ratification by states (e.g., GST or changes affecting the federal structure).

Summary Table:

Type Requirement Usage
Simple Majority 50% + 1 of members present and voting Ordinary bills, budget, motions, elections
Absolute Majority 50% + 1 of total membership Rarely used
Effective Majority 50% + 1 of effective strength Removal of Speaker/Deputy Speaker
Special Majority Varies: Two-thirds + total majority or state ratification Constitutional amendments, impeachment

Each type of majority ensures flexibility while maintaining appropriate checks for different levels of legislative or constitutional actions.

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