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Point of Order, Half-an-Hour Discussion, Short Duration Discussion

Point of Order is a request made by a member of Parliament when they believe the rules or procedures of the House are not being followed correctly.

Point of Order

A Point of Order is a request made by a member of Parliament when they believe the rules or procedures of the House are not being followed correctly.

  • It focuses on whether the business being conducted is following the rules or the Constitution.
  • A Point of Order can only be raised if the proceedings are not in order.
  • The Speaker decides whether the Point of Order is valid.
  • No debate is allowed on a Point of Order, and it temporarily stops the regular discussion in the House.

In short, it is a way for members to make sure everything is being done according to the rules.

Half-an-Hour Discussion

A Half-an-Hour Discussion is a short talk in Parliament about an important issue that needs more explanation or facts.

  • It doesn't involve a vote or formal decision.
  • The Speaker can allow these discussions up to three days a week.
  • It's meant to clear up any confusion or give more details about a topic.

In simple terms, it’s a quick way to discuss important matters and get answers without a long debate.

Short Duration Discussion

A Short Duration Discussion (or Two-Hour Discussion) is a brief talk in Parliament on an urgent issue that needs quick attention.

  • It lasts no more than two hours.
  • There is no voting or formal motion.
  • The Speaker can allow up to two days a week for these discussions.

In simple terms, it’s a quick way to discuss important matters that need immediate focus.

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