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No Special Body: Unlike the USA, India doesn’t have a special body like a Constitutional Convention to amend the Constitution. The power lies with Parliament and, in some cases, state legislatures.
Parliament’s Dominance: Only Parliament can propose amendments. States cannot initiate changes, except for creating or abolishing legislative councils, and even then, Parliament has the final say.
Limited State Role: Most amendments can be made by Parliament alone. States’ consent is needed only in a few cases, and even then, just half the states need to agree (unlike the USA, where three-fourths are required).
No Time Limit for States: There’s no fixed deadline for states to approve or reject an amendment. The Constitution is also unclear on whether states can withdraw their approval once given.
No Joint Sitting: If there’s a deadlock in Parliament over an amendment, there’s no provision for a joint sitting to resolve it (unlike ordinary bills).
Similar to Ordinary Bills: Except for needing a special majority, constitutional amendment bills are processed like regular bills in Parliament.
Judiciary Involvement: The amendment procedure lacks detail, often leading to judicial interpretation.
Despite criticisms, the process strikes a balance between being too rigid and too flexible.