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March 2025

What Are Marine Depositional Landforms

What Are Marine Depositional Landforms? Just like rivers deposit sand and rocks, the sea also deposits materials (sand, pebbles, and rock debris) …

Marine Erosional Landforms

🌊  How the Sea Shapes the Land The ocean is always working on shaping the land through  erosion  (wearing away of rocks) and  deposition  (droppin…

NEER vs REER | Nominal Effective Exchange Rate & Real Effective Exchange Rate

Understanding NEER and REER in the Simplest Way Imagine you are traveling and exchanging money. You want to know how strong your currency is compare…

What is Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) - UPSC Economy Notes

What is Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) Actually Saying? The concept of  Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)  is saying: 🔹  The value of a currency should b…
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